Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Nine Months

This is a short post to commemorate the nine month anniversary of me being with Diana.

My baby,
My everything,

It has been nine months since our first Christmas,
Since the we have grown as a couple,
And fallen more madly in love,

We've had bad times,
Really emotional times,
But we survived because we love each other,

Our pure love,
Has gotten us through so many things,
And kept us still madly in love,

In my heart I know,
That we will always be together,
We will be together forever,

I will always love you Diana,
Every second of every day,
I will always love my little Puma-wearing Angel,

I love you Diana.

1 comment:

Diana said...

baby you have a way with words. i love you so much. you are my everything, you are all ive wanted for these past 9 monthes. Ever since i had that HUGE crush on you, youve been #1 to me. you are perfect, you really are... even though sometimes you cant comfort me that well. i know you try. its you and me baby, and no one between. cough cough fucktard/jealous elf. you are my meerkat baby and i love you so much. cant wait to go ova yo house =O