Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Scomedy 3

This is what me and my friends did with our spare time:


Monday, July 21, 2008

What I Want?

I can't sleep,
I can't stay awake,
Everything I do,
Reminds me of her,
The television,
The movies,
The mall,
I can barely function,
Lying to the faces,
Of family and friends,
So they never know,
What I'm going through,
This is my struggle,
I refuse help in it,
I just want her back,
She is perfect in every way,
It pains me to see,
The mediocrity in everything,
By comparison to her beauty,
I just want her back,
Because I love her,
And I knew from the moment,
That it all started,
That she was the one for me,
She tore down my lies,
Slapped some sense into me,
And gave me a reason to try,
She is perfect,
I love her,
But she isn't mine anymore,
And I just want her back.