Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's All Fun and Games Till Ed Loses Consciousness


All I have for now is some info on Robert. I'm retarded sometimes.

Robert Stephenson
Age: 24
Class: Scout
Occupation: Technical Operations and Intelligence of the Resistance

Info: Robert was born in the suburbs surrounding Central City, an area also known as Greenville. His childhood was typical. He went to school till he was eighteen, had a part time job to pay for his own car, lived with his parents whom he loved and was a respected member of his community. Nothing special about Robert until he graduated high school and decided he wanted to join the military. Normally, the military wouldn’t take anyone Robert’s age into their ranks for what he wanted to do, but for him they made an extreme exception. Robert himself does not understand why the military took him in when they did, he had been told that he would never be accepted but still he had tried and somehow succeeded. Robert didn’t exactly want to do the typical foot soldier routine where he went to boot camp and then got stuck on the frontlines taking bullets for his officers. He wanted to do something that was amazing, and so the military put him through rigorous physical and psychological regimens to train him in operations so secret, not even he really knew what they were about. After five years of harsh training, Robert emerged from the military and was allowed to live his life like a normal twenty three year old male. He was still enlisted in the military and so spent most of his time on the base located just outside Central City, but he was no longer doing the harshest, most physically demanding operations that can’t be mentioned outside the president’s office. Around this time was when he first met Jemina Ashmore, his future girlfriend, at a recruitment meeting. Robert had been tasked with recruiting for counter intelligence while Jemina had been recruiting for special operations, of which she was a part. After talking for a while at the meeting, they decided to get dinner together afterwards and during that time they fell for each other. Robert was in love with Jemina after six months of dating almost nonstop, and he had hoped to take a large step forward in their relationship. That was when the outbreak of the virus first went public. Robert was residing in his apartment the night the whole of Central City went under because of the plague. His gear, which had remained classified until then, was residing within his apartment, locked within a special security vault that even he didn’t understand completely. Robert called Jemina before he even left his apartment and after finding out both she and her brother were still alive, Robert set out with his gear to find them. Since then, Robert has been a vital part of the team. There was a time when Robert was presumed dead by everyone in the team after a raid on a hospital that ended in a rather destructive explosion. Yet, he survived and came back to his girlfriend and team two months later to help in the fight once more. Now, Robert operates as what he was trained for: a warrior facing impossible odds. He fights beside his girlfriend day in and day out, and hopes that one-day, once the virus is eradicated, to marry Jemina and start a family with her.


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